Inspired. Interactive. Story-Driven.

Current Keynotes

  • Leadership. It’s...
    A promise, not a title.
    A presence, not an answer.
    A shared performance, not a solo.
    And it is the singular and sustaining catalyst for organizational vitality, creativity, and growth. Join Bobby in this interactive keynote in which he challenges common myths about leadership and provides leaders with space to rediscover the fundamentals that allow their leadership - and their organization - to thrive.

  • Today’s leaders are challenged to perform at a high level in a complex, rapidly evolving work environment. How can leaders ensure that they and their organization are growing and flourishing amid the challenge? Join Bobby as he explores how leadership is most fundamentally about a promise - and how delivering on that promise drives fresh vitality, creativity, and growth within leaders and their organizations.

  • Leaders at every level feel increasingly disconnected, resigned, and frustrated. They are searching for a meaningful connection to themselves and others, new vitality for their work and life, and a bold direction that can make a genuine difference - but where to find these? The answers are closer than we think. Join Bobby as he helps leaders go within and return home to their true selves. There, leaders will discover the timely and unique calling that they have in this world.

  • A growth mindset is the fundamental catalyst for innovation, trust-building, and the ability to adapt and flourish at the speed of change. Join Bobby as he explores why a growth mindset is the most important asset for high-performing individuals and organizations - and how leaders can nourish this within themselves and those they lead.

All keynotes are customized to the context


The content, delivery, and authenticity must be next level in order to hold my attention, and Bobby hits all the marks.
— Suzy Turner, Founder & Chief of Beats Soulshine Rhythm Experience
Bobby was right on target for the audience, and our members could not wait to speak with him after his session. He did an excellent job, and we highly recommend him.
— Bridget L. Brandt, President of Leander Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Center
Bobby is the epitome of a servant leader. Humble, inclusive, curious and strategic, Bobby leads by example - both in spirit
and in action.
— Justin Foster, Co-Founder of Massive Systemic Change and Chief Creative at The Third Way

Babies Know Best

People hunger to be entrusted with meaningful challenges that honor their gifts and creativity.

There is no Such Thing as a Single Track Person

There is far more to each person we meet and work with - if we are willing to listen.

Remember the Vows

People-First Leadership is the Key to Workplace Vitality